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Lineal - Professional Dimensional Measurement Software

Software especially adapted to needs in production and laboratory processes.

Several display modes for each linear bench measurement application.


Single Device Mode (Basic Mode):    
No need to work with your machine's display anymore!

Lineal is taking care of all the measurements as a master or slave software. 
All standard functions of any display unit (reset, preset, sign, resolution, unit, etc)
Machine positioning error correction
Automatic calibration of your machine with laser interferometer¹
Transfer of measurement to your SPC or your gauge management software
Works with all displays having a RS232 communication built in (other displays on demand)


Multiple Device Mode   SIP 305M Mode   SIP Internal Measurement Mode
Lineal-MultipleDevice   Lineal-SIP305M   Lineal-SIPInternalMeasurement
Calibration of Length Gauges 
Calibration with laser interferometer¹
Comparison with any device connectable by RS232 (other communication standards on demand)
Automatic addition/subtraction of 2 measurement devices, perfect for SIP 305M machines working with one TESA gauge and one SIP display
Easy and ergonomic measurement of small ring gauges and thread gauges on several linear benches

¹Only with Keysight/Agilent/HP interferometer, others on demand

 Video of Lineal with measurement bench SIP 305M and SIPSI upgrade:



Accredited for calibration of height gauges up to 1M with step gauge